yerps... after 1 week br dapat update this story...
daddy sgt busy..mummy sgt tidak sihat...
so lambat la dpt update...
better late than never la kan :P
we let the picture tell the story..
Date: 4th July 2011
Venua: Atria Mall, Damansara

we arrived around 8++ am
mode: excited+nervous+happy+wondering

excited 1: daddy's shirt

excited 2: mummy's shirt

ichies's vet card

time to meet the vet kids..

nervous mode: mieko n miemoo

cage area

judge for ring 2
miek0: 5th best kitten longhair

ring 2
mieemo: 17th Best Kitten Longhair

ring 1
chigo: 10th Best Open Longhair
*chigo crancky this time, so judge panggil mummy ke depan utk calm down kan chigo...
* hai mama apple, sama la kite kena ke depan ye :)
budak crancky sedang tenang kan diri duduk ngan atok...
*tgk kucing baju atok

Chigo's cage no: 039

mieko's cage no: 040

Miemoo's cage no: 041

Masa utk balik :)
Bye kawan2 meow semua..
pulang bersama yg di bawah ini :-

belongs to: Ichigo Kurusaki

Belongs to : Ichimiemoo Koizumi

Belongs to: Ichimieko Ozawa

happy for them :)

belongs to: daddy n mummy
p/s: gambar x dpt amik byk sbb kelam kabut, kdg2 diorg serentak kat different ring... nasib baik ade uncle amir n aunty cida mrk... next show we need more helper la kot :P
Love: Ichies's Mummy n Daddy
haaa.next show mmg kene bwk extra helper laa..xper..mama bubuye n papa buye blh tlg tgk2 derang jugak..heheh..jumpa di next show :) :)
ouh..ini ke budak2 ichi's tue...kite pon ade gak kat cat show tue...patut cam kenal je budak hitam putih n cage nyer.. =p
yerps... mmg need helper. nasib baik kat damansara ade uncle amir (adik mummy) n aunty cida tlg jaga ichies... serentak diorg gi kat ring, mau x panik.. huhuhu... wahh next show shiro pon ade ek. yeayyy... mama bubuye n papa bubuye pon nk help ye. wahhh thank you thank you....
to sharz: lorrrr..awat x teguq kami.. hehehe... iye, ini la ichies... hahah budak hitam putih tembun tu ye? si ichigo tu. bersama 2 saudaranya, ichimieko n ichimiemoo :P nnt bleh jmp di next show :P kan?
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